In the mid-1980's, my company was dominating and was the sole supplier of showbiz content to all of the major online services. I was contacted by a company that wanted to take all of our information and turn it into audio features for a new nationwide phone service. They asked that I come down and meet with their exec and main technical person. After meeting with the exec, I spent 30 minutes with a very nice fellow who discussed all the technical ends with me for supplying them with audio features. He was about 5 years older than me and we got along very well. I can still picture him. It was a Friday late afternoon. We agreed to finish the discussion via phone on Monday--but he told me that he didn't know when he would be in. He was a scuba diving enthusiast and was right now running to the airport to fly to a weekend scuba expedition in Florida but would be back sometimes on Monday. When we finished talking I said goodbye and then he said goodbye--but at that moment--a strong, disturbing feel of dread enveloped me physically--to the point that I had stopped smiling--and he noticed my sudden strange look and fear. I exited quickly because I had no explanation. On late Monday morning I called his office asking for him and was connected to an exec. "Eliot, I have some sad news." The man I had only known for 30 minutes had died in a scuba accident in Florida over the weekend.