I had found a VHS tape that had some cartoons called "Clutch Cargo." This was a very weird series that was shown on WGN in Chicago when I was a boy. The thing that made it so odd, was that although a cartoon, they had filmed actual human mouths moving and synchronized that into the frame. It looked really weird and awkward and we all used to make fun of it. After seeing it as a boy, I never saw or heard of Clutch again until I found this tape some 40 years later. This series never made it to TV again. A few days after finding the tape, I watched it one night and again enjoyed its strangeness. The very next evening, I went to hear a man speak who had worked in many presidential administrations and was now a writer and speaker. He was very interesting to listen to. At the seminar, my mind drifted for a second and I thought, "It sure was funny seeing Clutch Cargo after all this time,"...when THAT INSTANT...the man who was speaking said "There was a unique cartoon TV series back in the 60's called Clutch Cargo..." At that moment, I totally FREAKED. I could only think "What's going on here? Is this a dream?" and I had corresponding physical reactions to what just happened. The man went on to use the human mouths in the cartoon characters as a metaphor...but I was still shaken by the timing and coincidence of the situation.