for those who love the poetry of emily elizabeth dickinson
For 6 years, I shopped around Hollywood, a dramatic TV script I wrote called "Young
Emily." It is a TV series of historical fiction based on the life of young Emily Dickinson. The pilot script was
richly detailed as to what was known about the mysterious poet in her earlier days and her relationship
with family and friends. It was looked at closely by many, turned down by most, but I knew it had great
potential. It did not sell.
(U.S. Copyright Office
Type of Work: Dramatic Work and Music; or Choreography
Registration Number / Date: PAU003836229 / 2016-08-09
Application Title: Young Emily.
Title: Young Emily : Pilot, Pilot.
Copyright Claimant: Eliot Stein.
Date of Creation: 2013
Authorship on Application: Eliot Stein; Citizenship: United States. Authorship: text.)
Apple TV has recetly created a series called "Dickinson" starring
Hailee Steinfeld. Emily Dickinson is a real historical public figure and anybody who wants can make a TV
show or movie based on her life--as long as the text is different from any other script.
What I have seen is atrocious. They have turned Emily Dikinson into a Beverly Hills 90210
Women's Libber meets Victorian-era. They are even calling her a "rebel."
It is an insult to what we know about the poet.
Emily Dickinson would have
never disobeyed her father and fought with him verbally about her desires to write. She would have done it
secretly in her room which is what she did. And now the worst. Because there is only one known photo of
Emily Dickinson that is black and white, the world has assumed for over a century that her hair is black or
dark brown. It is not. It is Auburn/Red. They didn't even bother to give her the correct hair color. Who needs
historical accuracy these days anyway?
Not only did I have the enthusiasm to write a realistic script about her, I am the owner of
www.emilydickinson.com and I put together and manufactured the first ever authentic, detailed Emily
Dickinson doll complete with the iconic white dress she wore daily non-stop for years.
Apple TV has completely corrupted and butchered the memory of Emily Dickinson.